Hair Sourcing
We are committed to human rights in the supply chain and fairly compensate all those involved in selling, sourcing, and producing our hair extensions. We pay at or above market value for our unprocessed human hair.
Labour Standards
Suppliers must ensure workers are fairly compensated, regular employment is provided, working hours are not excessive, no discrimination is practised, and no harsh or inhuman treatment is allowed. They must abide by all local laws and regulations.
Safe Working Environment
Suppliers will provide a safe and hygienic working environment for all workers, and adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents or injury from occuring in the course of their work.
Child & Forced Labour
There will be no child, forced, or involuntary prison labour used by any of our suppliers in any part of our supply chain. Suppliers must be in full compliance with all relevant child labour laws.
Environmental Protection
Suppliers must comply with national and local environmental laws and regulations. They shall dispose of production waste in accordance with those laws and regulations and have identified and documented their key impacts and implement controls to minimise them.
Business Practices
All of our suppliers must, in all activities, obey national and regional statutory requirements in the countries in which they are operating. Suppliers shall not engage in acts of bribery or corruption and shall not falsify documents and records.